Retail execution and store audits.

Increase field reps' producitvity and increase sales.

Retail Execution

Retail marketing and field sales.
Field sales and marketing efficiency is a function of the number of retail visits per day plus the level of accuracy and speed of retail decisions. Whether for grocery, supermarket or specialty stores. Professional field sales guidance and timely actions are improved by real-time monitoring and accurate reporting of what is going on.

Simplifying and amplifying field sales.
Sales reps and other field personnel appreciate practical no-nonsense tools that help them in their client visits and on the road. Practical tools that give them more selling time and client interaction time in a confident and trustworthy manner.

Poimapper is easy and quick to install in smartphones, tablets and in your back-end systems.

Transparency and agility to retail.
Retail is about detail. A countless number of details need to be planned and executed flawlessly to make an impact in the crowded marketplace.

With Poimapper, you have all retail variables documented and in control. Accurate information is a prerequisite for timely fact-based decisions for your client brand success.

Instant customer delight.
“Half of all marketing is wasted but nobody knows which half” is no longer true in the era of digitalisation. Data is the new oil, also in marketing.

Poimapper enables fast and accurate campaign feedback, which in turn enables timely corrective actions and fine-tuning of your campaign to minimise waste. And maximal brand sales success for your client.

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