Intelligent Mobile Forms
Collecting field data is not regarded as a simple task. The most common way is to fill up paper forms, carry them back to office, archive the data and transfer it in to a digital file.
Mobile device gives huge advantages when we think of the various kinds of data that can be collected (multimedia, location etc.) and the speed of data sharing through organizations, its digital when you collect it!
Still many organizations tend to rely on traditional pen and paper methods. Paper forms are easy to work with because everybody knows how to fill them up and carry back to the office. So usability, especially with complex forms is often the key issue when mobile data collection is considered. In our mission to provide the best method for data collection, we believe, we have taken a huge step forward.
Poimapper is happy to introduce both online and offline support for Intelligent Mobile Forms. Intelligent form includes interactive elements that help the user comprehend and complete the form faster and easier.
Enhance simple questionnaire forms with logical statements and embed complex logic conditions. These features enable both quicker collection of data and context aware information feedback.
In an interview with a participant about family background, there might be a question “How old is your child?” If the answer is “> or equals to 6”, then a natural follow up question would be; “Does your child attend school?” However, if the answer is “< than 6”, the Intelligent form would skip any questions about school.
In the same interview you might want a more complex flow of questions such as, “How old is your child?” and “What weight is your child?” You could create a Skip Logic question that only asks further questions if the age of the child does not meet government weight guidelines, e.g. if age is between 5 to 7 and weight is under XX kg.
Whether you are using Poimapper to support health care, building inspections or market research, try out our new Intelligent Forms and explore this powerful new feature!
Contact to arrange a free online demo.
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